An Anti-Review of Really Cheap Wine

cheap wineOK, this may not be pretty. It’s going to be rant, and it may get out of hand, as it usually does when I talk about REALLY CHEAP WINE. Now let’s get this straight right off the bat — I’m no wine snob. One of my favorite everyday wines is Banrock Station Shiraz/Cabernet, which sells for anywhere from $7 to $9, so I know there are some great-tasting values out there.

What I’m talking about are those “Premium Wines” in the $3, $4 or $5 range that clutter up the aisles at every grocery store and warehouse club.

Here’s why I’m so annoyed. On any given day in my life as a wine retailer,  someone will cruise into my store and say, “Do you have any of that Two Buck Chuck?” When I say, “No, you can only get it at Trader Joe’s,” they invariably say, “You know, it’s not bad.” YES IT IS!

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